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"I’ve worked with Jon for over a year, and this experience has led to profound shifts in my life. I’ve experienced powerful breakthroughs that helped me better understand and more clearly articulate myself. And more importantly, he has guided me to shine a light on what was operating at a deep, subconscious level, allowing me to significantly heal and overcome deep-rooted patterns and pain for greater autonomy, freedom, and joy.

Jon’s deep listening, support, and insight provided a space to cultivate self-acceptance and a sense of true inner peace; our time together has provided a significant and profound step forward in my growth. Overall, working with Jon has enabled me to open myself without fear and let go."

Jericca Cleland; Writer, Filmmaker

“In my journey of self development, I decided to try breathwork. It opened me up in ways that were so powerful.”

Charlie Michelson; Integral Leadership Coach, Development Consultant & former COO Wrist Ship Supply NA

“I understood what my heart and body were asking for and how that connects with how I want to show up in the world.”

Alan Gellman; Executive Coach & former CMO of Esurance

“I had a death in the family, I moved to a new city, I started a new job…It was the skills I learned from Jon that helped keep my mind calm throughout.”

Dorothea McCowan; LMT and Caregiver

“Dive in and witness aspects of yourself open that you never could've imagined.”

Founder and CEO of Greg Dunn Leadership


"My time with Jon was like an oasis during a difficult time for me that provided space to pause and regenerate before entering back into the day-to-day. Jon creates a safe space with guided breathwork that both afforded me the ability to release tension as well as to allow things to surface that had been deeply buried.

I came away from our time feeling a deep sense of peace and relaxation. His way of working allowed me to feel that I was personally exploring parts of myself I rarely engage with and yet to never feel that I was on my own and Jon's gentle invitation into the breath stayed with me long after the session had ended. I can't wait for my next session!”

Anna Y; VP Strategy and Learning