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You are not your stress. 

Hi, I’m Jonathan Hurteau, and I know it’s possible to change your relationship with stress, because that’s exactly what I did. 

‘I’m not sleeping well’

‘I’m tired.’

‘I don’t know how to shut it off.’

These were my words.

I used to grind it out and ignore my exhaustion. 

I would lose myself in my day-to-day work, setting more goals, adding more things to my to-do list until I would collapse in bed (and still not be able to sleep). 

i was exhausted, stressed & on my way to burn out. 

It wasn’t until I began working with a coach myself that things started to change. Suddenly, I felt supported, and things didn’t feel so impossible. 

Through Integral coaching, Breathwork and Nervous System regulation, I began to shift long-held patterns in my body and mind, and experienced a radical change in how I was able to show up in the world. 

I was energized and my days were no longer draining. I felt joy again. I was becoming more productive, and I felt at ease with myself and my life again. 

This drastic shift in my own life became a source of inspiration, so I dedicated myself to helping others escape the cycle of stress, so that they could experience the freedom that lies beyond burnout.

Today I’m a certified Integral coach dedicated to supporting my clients in moving beyond burnout and into balance. I've developed a powerful system, utilizing somatic practices, nervous system repatterning, breathwork and guided self inquiry. 

Over the years, I’ve helped numerous clients move past their stress, exhaustion and burn out. With great satisfaction, I’ve witnessed people step off their personal hamster wheel and learn to thrive again. 

becoming you

My experience with the transformative impact and healing of integral coaching and nervous system repatterning inspired me to help others and create Becoming You, Integral Coaching..