Your nervous system is in charge.


My practice is deeply informed by the Nervous System. It is very much at the heart of my methodology and in many ways, it is at the heart of your day to day.

For instance, if you’re constantly worn out or stressed, there’s a very good chance that your nervous system is elevating your heart rate and producing stress chemicals to help you to keep going and going. 

This is a problem when it becomes a daily part of your life.

We need to change that.

The Nervous System, in a few (very) quick beats:

  • It’s the command center of your body.

  • It’s been dictating what your day to day looks like.

  • It’s learned how to react from the experiences of your life.

Considering how vital your nervous system is to your your well-being, you should probably get to know it and understand how you can begin to befriend it.

This is where I come in.

Through somatic exercises, breathwork and integral coaching, I help clients begin the process of changing those stresfull patterns of their nervous system. Much like clay, it can be reshaped, it takes time, but together, we will begin that change.

  • I will provide daily tools and practices that can provide substantial stress relief.

  • You will understand, track, navigate and begin to reshape your nervous system patterns.

  • You will engage in what’s beyond the stress and connect with what feels most important and vital.  

You can feel balanced again.