becoming you


an integral coaching service

that is here to support

the worn out one

You do whatever it takes– and let’s be honest, it takes a lot. 

Whether you’re putting long hours in at your corporate position, or growing your personal business, your days are filled with countless emails, team meetings, and tasks, and whatever tiny bit of reserve you have left is used up sitting in traffic, shopping for dinner or picking up the kids.

‘I don’t know how to shut it off.’ 

‘I have no time for myself’

‘I’m tired all the time’

Let’s be honest;  you’re stressed, worn out and on your way to burn out.

Through Integral Coaching & specific Nervous System tools, I’ve developed a powerful coaching system that’s very different from the rest.

Unlike other coaching methods which often solely focus on external goals, leaving you feeling even more tired with even more “goals” to hit, the type of coaching I practice is integral. Meaning that together we’ll cultivate a personalized plan that harnesses the innate intelligence of your mind & body, allowing you to identify the root causes of your stress and bring your life back into balance through personalized tools so you can feel refreshed and connected again. 

In my years of supporting clients, I know that.

  • Your stress is not a permanent state.

  • You can experience an immediate sense of calm with the proper tools.

  • You can experience profound shifts in how you show up in the world.

  • You can thrive again.

If you’re here, you know you need change, and I want to help you, because I’ve been there myself. 

Curious to learn more about how this work can support you? 


My journey

I believe that it is only through being in deep connection with our bodies that we are able to feel whole and alive.

Credentials & Training

  • Certified Integral Coach: New Ventures West

  • Trained Breathworker: David Elliot

  • Bachelor of Arts: The Academy of Art, CA

I offer 1:1 integral coaching sessions, breathwork sessions, and private or group events remotely via zoom.